Weekly – Press Conference

by Admin January 12, 2024


tarting the new year with a lot of positive energy and the entire SmallFace team has been planning & working with an incredible idea system that we can’t wait to share with you all.

Our CEO spoke with us this week briefly about project plans, how the holiday celebration turned out for the team & our private investor portal up.

On project plans;

We’re really working hard and organizing things, we’re focused on the right time and project, the implementation has to be solid, so the entire team is focused on getting what’s needed for every step of the way.

Mr Andy on the holiday Celebration;

For me it was a moment of joy and relaxation & at the same a very good place to study the market, a lot went on we participated in a very good way too connecting with the influencers and creating a blue print for our online challenge, and remember we’ve two song released prior to the holidays that picked up greatly during the new year & is still doing incredibly well

Our Investor portal up;

It’s something we’ve been working on for a while, we just wanted to make our connection with our community investors very decent and strong, the visits and responses from those who’ve been given an exclusive access to this site is phenomenal, and like I said earlier we’re working and can’t wait to do amazing things this year with you.

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